What To Expect At The First Appointment

The first appointment begins with a consultation that enables the Counseling Hypnotist to get to know you and your expectations from hypnotism. The Counseling Hypnotism is performed by a well-trained Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Certified Consulting Hypnotist.

Brookhaven Hypnotist | Brookhaven What To Expect At The First Appointment | MS | Dr. Mike Lips Ministry |

The Counseling Hypnotist will ask questions to understand the nature of the issues you are seeking to overcome. The Counseling Hypnotist will discuss the procedures in detail with you so you will feel comfortable proceeding. Once you and your Counseling Hypnotist complete the consultation and you agree to the procedures he'll use, the session begins.

During the hypnosis session, the Counseling Hypnotist will assist you in attaining a highly relaxed state of consciousness using a gentle tone and by guiding you to the desired state of mind. The client will feel an intense sense of relaxation, but will be awake and aware of the process. The part of your mind, which is awake, will be working with the Counseling Hypnotist to illicit change. In your mind’s eye, you will be visioning the things that are being spoken about, while the Counseling Hypnotist guides you through a process of suggestive change, empowerment, and improvement. Many clients may feel as they are not hypnotized, but they are in fact are. There will not be any sensation or feeling that you will experience while being in hypnosis; it is so subtle, that it just happens. It is important to note that the client is able to terminate the session at any time, of his or her own volition. At the end of the session, the Counseling Hypnotist discusses the session with the client.

The effects of the session may be realized in one visit or more may be necessary. Depending on the goals set by the Counseling Hypnotist and client, the Counseling Hypnotist will outline a plan designed to effectively meet your expectations. It is recommended that you be up front with your Counseling Hypnotist about what you are seeking from the counseling sessions and the time frame you expect to accomplish your goals. Your Counseling Hypnotist is your partner in the process of creating a better you.

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